Thursday, November 10, 2016

I'll Just Keep It Real... For Everyone.

The Plot Unfolded...

 The latest presidential election has got the country in an uproar.  That's just fine.  The newer souls have lost their sheltered environment.  The truth as I see it is: Donald Trump won the presidency so the "Sheep," would ignite in an uproar against him. He's known what he was doing the whole time.  Trump's no fool, he financed his own campaign... He's seen what damage has been done in our country. He could no longer sit by and watch us get squashed by monopolized corporations and corrupt politicians.  He sideswiped the lobbyists and politicians, then infuriated every single group of American individuals.  If you didn't feel outraged before Trump's campaign, then you shouldn't be angry now. Many corrupt politicians and businessmen including the previous Presidents, lied to you, sold you out and considered you inferior to them.  He can't say the depth of his plans to the media but I'd guess he's hoping the American people realize our government, big media, and corporations have entrapped us, lied to us, just to devalue our lives and minds.Just under the surface, you can track the depth of the plot against the American people.  We have no booming industries anymore and our country's debt's unfathomable. It's sad that the Clinton's, Bush's and Obama's never saw value in the average American's life.  Our economy's an illusion, perpetuated by a bunch of corporate sellouts, treasonous politicians, and big media groups...We've had no chance.  Don't blame Donald Trump for expressing himself harshly, Blame the long line of un-American's that started selling you out long ago, they didn't think you deserved a chance to live and thrive.  I want to be proud of America...  All Americans deserve the right to live, thrive, and pursue all knowledge available.  Let the people decide what was done and who did it.... We can handle the truth, it's the liars and political criminals who can't handle it... 

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