Saturday, April 23, 2016

Local musicians: Grinding and Additude

Harsh Words from JIMI PEAK

Keep it Real!

It's no mystery to me why I haven't had a lot of support from local musicians in my area. It's also no mystery why some don't have my support.  I've got several people I've grown up with literally must not like anything I've done, I'm not hurt though... just curious. I enjoy people using their creativity and talents to tread their ground... I'm not in competition with any musician.... I believe musicians do there thing because of their love of music, but I can't help but feel that some local musicians are in it for only ego and self-gratification. I find it pathetic, and typical in this unoriginal and homogenized musical age.  If you have a niche, more power to you but don't you think you're setting the bar pretty low. I don't expect musicians to set higher standard than to jam but when you use it to separate yourself like hierarchy then you've missed the point... Recently, I friended an old guitar teacher who I respect hugely and taught me very much, as soon as he received my request...  He posted his band's music video on my page, I watched it and loved it... so I posted a music video on his page and didn't even get fuck off or fuck you... I feel sorry I looked up to him as a teenager. I mean I guess I shouldn't look much into it, I'm sure he's busy..

Also I've got several friends, that have been really supportive of my endeavors to my face but won't even go near any of my video pages, music pages, photography pages, or even personal pages... That's fine... I guess they were protecting my feelings.  I don't need it, I enjoy my feelings because they eventually become a creative project... Truthfully, I have a lot supportive friends and "Family", I would prefer people to tell me if they don't like something, then just give blind support. I'm always striving to improve my creations.  I'm well aware that I may not be everyone's cup of tea, I'm counting on it. Though I know for a fact that I have serious passion for my music, movies, photography and art, I think that's the only thing that keeps me going down my path... my work has good quality, and subject matter very dear to me. I don't write songs about how fortunate I am or how great I am, and really don't even compare them to my favorite bands and music... my work just leads a life of it's own... I'm not looking to be a number one hit, a rich rock star, or some kind of monster... if you catch my drift... I'm proud to say I keep it real, I do this because it's my passion and drive... I've had my share of musical humiliation, let downs and wake up calls due to my creativity. I've put my time in on my instruments, singing, writing, and artwork... as well... I have no desire to hurt anyone's ego or path, I obviously have way higher standards for my work and self, and would really like everyone to push themselves to new heights because it's the right thing to do...

I must say though that I do have some truly great musician friends like Paul Kirk, Bria Edwards, Tom Glendening, and I'd also like to make a shout out Curt Fillmore, Curt's list is the shit... 

So to continue to a different level, it's open mic time for Jimi Peak. One guitar, one amp and one voice... and enough material to never play the same set twice... 

Always, strive toward something and have goals so you continue to your own personal success... 


T G said...

Right on brother. Your vision is clear, your heart is open, And your art is pure. Keep treading.

T G said...

Right on brother. Your vision is clear, your heart is open, And your art is pure. Keep treading.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Thomas. You keep treading as well....

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