Thursday, November 10, 2016

Saturn In Sagittarius: Separating The Collective from YOU

Saturn In Sagittarius: 

September 17, 2015 to December 20, 2017

Discover Yourself

If you're worried about the way things unfold, certainly don't follow the news or even popular opinion.  It's time to be who you were born to be... I can't tell you who that is... 

The world will continue, so the best thing to do is believe you have a part and place in the world.  If you feel the world's moving away from you or your beliefs... unplug from popular belief and media.  The sky isn't falling today.  

Saturn transiting the sign of Sagittarius, reforms things like government, beliefs, law, religion, authorities and media without prejudice.  During this transit, it's important to not depend on higher studies, outdated opinions, or the "authorities." This transit's a chance for self-discovery and to say goodbye to outdated, tyrannical cycles and thought patterns...

We don't require absolute truths to be ourselves and play our part in society, we just need to draw the line where it best suits all of us. 

It's just a natural process, that holds knowledge, philosophy, law, government, media, and religion accountable for the beliefs the collective have been following.  It's enough to make anyone question themselves.  Use this time to figure out what you stand for... 

You will be able to use this time to your benefit by dismissing a group mentality. When Saturn moves into Capricorn in 2017, your chance to let go of outdated beliefs and claim your stake in this world will pass... Don't follow trends or polls, you will get blindsided by your own outdated thinking and beliefs... Now's the time to see what you believe, without being by spoon fed by the media, government...

I don't mind if you ignore me.  I have no vested interest in your outcome... good or bad.  I just wanted to lay this information out for everyone and anyone to see... 

According to, "Saturn and Sagittarius are strange bedfellows, because Sagittarius is the sign of optimism and expansion, while Saturn is all about restriction and harsh reality checks. But this blending of opposites could actually strike a healthy balance."

Saturn goes around the sun and through the 12 zodiac signs roughly every 29 years... A Saturn return can totally twist your mind and life...  just imagine what it can do to the world... I find it comforting...

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