Thursday, November 10, 2016

I'll Just Keep It Real... For Everyone.

The Plot Unfolded...

 The latest presidential election has got the country in an uproar.  That's just fine.  The newer souls have lost their sheltered environment.  The truth as I see it is: Donald Trump won the presidency so the "Sheep," would ignite in an uproar against him. He's known what he was doing the whole time.  Trump's no fool, he financed his own campaign... He's seen what damage has been done in our country. He could no longer sit by and watch us get squashed by monopolized corporations and corrupt politicians.  He sideswiped the lobbyists and politicians, then infuriated every single group of American individuals.  If you didn't feel outraged before Trump's campaign, then you shouldn't be angry now. Many corrupt politicians and businessmen including the previous Presidents, lied to you, sold you out and considered you inferior to them.  He can't say the depth of his plans to the media but I'd guess he's hoping the American people realize our government, big media, and corporations have entrapped us, lied to us, just to devalue our lives and minds.Just under the surface, you can track the depth of the plot against the American people.  We have no booming industries anymore and our country's debt's unfathomable. It's sad that the Clinton's, Bush's and Obama's never saw value in the average American's life.  Our economy's an illusion, perpetuated by a bunch of corporate sellouts, treasonous politicians, and big media groups...We've had no chance.  Don't blame Donald Trump for expressing himself harshly, Blame the long line of un-American's that started selling you out long ago, they didn't think you deserved a chance to live and thrive.  I want to be proud of America...  All Americans deserve the right to live, thrive, and pursue all knowledge available.  Let the people decide what was done and who did it.... We can handle the truth, it's the liars and political criminals who can't handle it... 

Saturn In Sagittarius: Separating The Collective from YOU

Saturn In Sagittarius: 

September 17, 2015 to December 20, 2017

Discover Yourself

If you're worried about the way things unfold, certainly don't follow the news or even popular opinion.  It's time to be who you were born to be... I can't tell you who that is... 

The world will continue, so the best thing to do is believe you have a part and place in the world.  If you feel the world's moving away from you or your beliefs... unplug from popular belief and media.  The sky isn't falling today.  

Saturn transiting the sign of Sagittarius, reforms things like government, beliefs, law, religion, authorities and media without prejudice.  During this transit, it's important to not depend on higher studies, outdated opinions, or the "authorities." This transit's a chance for self-discovery and to say goodbye to outdated, tyrannical cycles and thought patterns...

We don't require absolute truths to be ourselves and play our part in society, we just need to draw the line where it best suits all of us. 

It's just a natural process, that holds knowledge, philosophy, law, government, media, and religion accountable for the beliefs the collective have been following.  It's enough to make anyone question themselves.  Use this time to figure out what you stand for... 

You will be able to use this time to your benefit by dismissing a group mentality. When Saturn moves into Capricorn in 2017, your chance to let go of outdated beliefs and claim your stake in this world will pass... Don't follow trends or polls, you will get blindsided by your own outdated thinking and beliefs... Now's the time to see what you believe, without being by spoon fed by the media, government...

I don't mind if you ignore me.  I have no vested interest in your outcome... good or bad.  I just wanted to lay this information out for everyone and anyone to see... 

According to, "Saturn and Sagittarius are strange bedfellows, because Sagittarius is the sign of optimism and expansion, while Saturn is all about restriction and harsh reality checks. But this blending of opposites could actually strike a healthy balance."

Saturn goes around the sun and through the 12 zodiac signs roughly every 29 years... A Saturn return can totally twist your mind and life...  just imagine what it can do to the world... I find it comforting...

Friday, September 9, 2016

Link Buttons for His Other Blogs

Hello! His wife, here! Just adding some link buttons to his other blogs. Y'all, be sure to check 'em out!

Peak Arts


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Local musicians: Grinding and Additude

Harsh Words from JIMI PEAK

Keep it Real!

It's no mystery to me why I haven't had a lot of support from local musicians in my area. It's also no mystery why some don't have my support.  I've got several people I've grown up with literally must not like anything I've done, I'm not hurt though... just curious. I enjoy people using their creativity and talents to tread their ground... I'm not in competition with any musician.... I believe musicians do there thing because of their love of music, but I can't help but feel that some local musicians are in it for only ego and self-gratification. I find it pathetic, and typical in this unoriginal and homogenized musical age.  If you have a niche, more power to you but don't you think you're setting the bar pretty low. I don't expect musicians to set higher standard than to jam but when you use it to separate yourself like hierarchy then you've missed the point... Recently, I friended an old guitar teacher who I respect hugely and taught me very much, as soon as he received my request...  He posted his band's music video on my page, I watched it and loved it... so I posted a music video on his page and didn't even get fuck off or fuck you... I feel sorry I looked up to him as a teenager. I mean I guess I shouldn't look much into it, I'm sure he's busy..

Also I've got several friends, that have been really supportive of my endeavors to my face but won't even go near any of my video pages, music pages, photography pages, or even personal pages... That's fine... I guess they were protecting my feelings.  I don't need it, I enjoy my feelings because they eventually become a creative project... Truthfully, I have a lot supportive friends and "Family", I would prefer people to tell me if they don't like something, then just give blind support. I'm always striving to improve my creations.  I'm well aware that I may not be everyone's cup of tea, I'm counting on it. Though I know for a fact that I have serious passion for my music, movies, photography and art, I think that's the only thing that keeps me going down my path... my work has good quality, and subject matter very dear to me. I don't write songs about how fortunate I am or how great I am, and really don't even compare them to my favorite bands and music... my work just leads a life of it's own... I'm not looking to be a number one hit, a rich rock star, or some kind of monster... if you catch my drift... I'm proud to say I keep it real, I do this because it's my passion and drive... I've had my share of musical humiliation, let downs and wake up calls due to my creativity. I've put my time in on my instruments, singing, writing, and artwork... as well... I have no desire to hurt anyone's ego or path, I obviously have way higher standards for my work and self, and would really like everyone to push themselves to new heights because it's the right thing to do...

I must say though that I do have some truly great musician friends like Paul Kirk, Bria Edwards, Tom Glendening, and I'd also like to make a shout out Curt Fillmore, Curt's list is the shit... 

So to continue to a different level, it's open mic time for Jimi Peak. One guitar, one amp and one voice... and enough material to never play the same set twice... 

Always, strive toward something and have goals so you continue to your own personal success... 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Downright: The Negative Side of Jimi Peak

With Recent Events... Comes Uncertainty

The reason I started this blog is to write the things I don't want to put directly on my social media. I have no problem being open with my thoughts but I'm sure it would run so many people off, and just upset others.  Anyway I've noticed most people just ignore my blogs anyway... 

The truth is I've been barely hanging on to hope. There's no where to turn for good advice or help when you get right down to it.  I haven't known who to trust for so long. I've been in so many self-destructive patterns, how does the cycle end? 

     I lost my job at Village Inn last month at a time when things were looking so much better. I could see it coming though, but that didn't matter. The bosses there had it in for me for quite some time, even going as far as planning to get rid of me behind back talking to the corporate offices. It's difficult for me to keep my opinions to myself when my bosses act like dipshits and leave me with having to accept responsibility for their shortcomings and mess ups to the customers... Just messed up shit!  Before I lost that job, I had money put away and had been acquiring some music equipment and computer stuff so I could finally get to a place where I could thrive. Now, it seems like everything is up in the air again. It's like I took three steps forward and now, I feel I've lost so much ground and that I'm on the verge of losing everything.  I was able to pay my utilities but I didn't have enough for rent... Damn, and just a month and half ago, everything looked so bright. I've kept myself in a decent head space until recently.  The hardest thing's daily survival, I mean I've got nothing to fall back on... at least I've got a job...

     *I put myself in this position, I get what I deserve and Karma's a bitch*  I've heard it all... I tend to get that sort of thing reiterated by those supposedly closest to me... I swear the attitude of most people can tear you up and make you feel even worse. Negativity from others has always bred negativity in me... It's got so bad this time that I've broken ties with my mother, which I didn't want and was terribly difficult.  My mother made sure to tell me everything she believes is wrong with me before she told me to never contact her again... I mean I'm not saying that I disagree with her but it didn't help me at all. Actually it hurt to the core, but I had to ask her for help for the sake of my wife and son . This last month, I've just barely kept from my wife and son too, I mean honestly...  if I can't keep a residence, I'd never want them living on the streets with me...

  Several times in the last week, I've thought about giving up on playing music and just erase all my music sites. It shocks me even to write that or say that but I need to express it..; I love my music, playing guitar, writing songs, producing videos, and doing artwork... but I can honestly say I've got less than nothing back from it.... I love it but it doesn't love me back. That sort of thing as an artist can kill you on the inside. I get angry because I find myself wanting to work on music or making movies but can't even muster up the energy to do it.  I feel like every time I invest time, money and energy into music that I just screw myself over and lose out. I can't manage to keep equipment anyway, I mean when the shit hits the fan, of course, the guitars, keyboards, and drums are always the first to go. I've decided not to give up, when someone like me gets to doing well it happens right before a big downward turn.  But why does the downside always take me so far down. I guess I'll never understand completely.

     I have determination enough to not give up luckily. Will life be like this until I die? I sure hope not, especially for my wife and son's sake.  I don't consider myself a bad person, and I don't ever go out of my way screw people over and I try extremely hard to just get the negative thoughts and feelings out of me as quickly as possible. I don't feel like a victim or that anyone owes me a damn thing. Honestly, I just think that life's not easy for anyone but some people are just never going to get ahead in life, for very long.  I'm sure the problem lies somewhere inside of me and I'll always be oblivious to it... if that's true, ignorance is truly not bliss.  
    I'm a strange guy, and I definitely overthink shit.  I'm done holding these thoughts inside myself... I don't think that keeping my negativity inside myself has ever done any good. So, there it is... a piece of  the downright dark and negative side of myself... I don't think anyone will read this but if you do, just know that I'm okay, I won't do anything stupid and I hopefully will be doing much better soon...

I love my wife and son, they are my main reason for wanting to do my best, despite the grim situations and negativity of others outside our little family...

-Jimi Peak